A semantic BEM style

Introduction of my modified version of BEM naming style guide.

Naming is a big problem in programming, especially in CSS. There are a lot of ways to maintain CSS class names, it seems that BEM beats them all. I've always been using BEM in my projects, but in a modified way.


There are lots of people who don't like BEM. I don't like the original BEM too. Because it is ugly and takes too many characters. e.g.

<button class="button button--primary button--large"></button>

So I created a modified version of BEM, it is a mix of semantic and BEM. I've used it for a while, and it works pretty well. I'd like to share it with you.

<button class="button Primary Large"></button>

Naming rules

Rules for block, element and modifier names:

  1. if block/element names have multiple words, words should be joined with -
  2. block and element names are connected with _
  3. modifier name is in CamelCase
  4. modifier can not be used alone

Flat instead of Nested

Always use flat class names for css rules:

.dialog {
.dialog_head {
.dialog_foot {
.dialog.Primary {

Don't do this:

.dialog .dialog_head {

However, you will use nested style when there is a modifier:

.dialog.Primary .dialog_head {

Prefer block level modifier

Always put a modifier on the block part if possible. For instance:

<div class="dialog Primary">
<div class="dialog_head"></div>

Don't put modifier on element. Don't do this unless you have to:

<div class="dialog">
<div class="dialog_head Primary"></div>

Prefer class name over tag name

There are two ways to create a component:

class name

<div class="dialog">
<div class="dialog_head"></div>

tag name

<section class="dialog">

The class name way is preferred. But it is better to combine them together:

<section class="dialog">
<header class="dialog_head"></header>

Component inner state

State is different from modifier. A state can only be used to create a component.

<button-comp class="Large">Button</button-comp>

The class name Large is a modifier. But <button-comp> has a _hover class when hovering:

<button class="button-comp _hover Large">Button</button>

This _hover is added by <button-comp> itself, don't add it yourself. Naming state starts with _ as protected class.

Break the rules

Sometime, you have to break the rules. For instance, you need to change the color of dialog_head, but the flat way has a very low priority, the color will be overwritten by the outer elements.

In this case, you can add .block before .block_element to create a higher priority:

.dialog .dialog_head {

Rules are created for better maintenance. When a rule makes it very hard to implement your component, it is time to break it.

But don't break too many.